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3 Years of Incompletion (2023)

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I can best describe 3 Years of Incompletion as a B-side album of music I worked on sporadically between 2020 and the start of 2023. Some of the music in there was originally to be released as part of other projects, while others were standalone tracks for which I had relatively ambiguous release plans.

'Window Light' I began in 2020, but I didn't completely finish until January 2023. It was partially inspired by the aesthetics of Yakui's Pillars / Other Heart Tracks album - a progressive ambient synth groove, with a slightly ethereal touch.

'On Cloud Nine' (2021) was supposed to be part of my debut album Journey, but didn't quite make the cut. Still, I think it's a fun atmospheric jungle track that deserves to be shared.

'City Lights' (2022) was my ambient take on the cyberpunk art genre and aesthetic. It was also one of those produce-in-a-day tracks when I was in a complete compositional flow state. Had a lot of fun with this one.

'Mittens Space Dub' (2021) happened when a friend of mine sent a sample of their cat snoring. Yeah.

'Infinity Loops' (2020) was my major project for one of the music production courses I took during my university studies. It's supposed to be played against the visuals of a music video that I found online, but due to copyright reasons I can't show it. So use your imagination here!

'Order from Chaos' (2020) I made entirely in Max/MSP for a live performance I did in 2020 - I interacted with various mix parameters during that performance, as can also be heard in this recording. Jon Hopkins and Max Cooper were big inspirations for me here.

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